
I am a photographer from the United Kingdom who for the last twenty years has specialised in music and performance documentation.

I have a passion for history and documented the hidden histories of atrocity and genocide, as detailed in my latest project ‘A Dark Road Without Horizon.’ this focuses on the mass murder of disabled German citizens, as perpetrated by the National Socialists, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, and a direct precursor to the Holocaust. This deeply personal project has formed the major body of work on the Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Masters at the University of the Arts London.

Exhibitions + Collections

  • 20 - 23 June 2024: Free Range, Graduate Showcase. Truman Brewery, London

  • 7 June 2024: A Dark Road Without Horizon . UAL London College of Communication, Libraries Permanent Special Collection acquisition

  • October 2023: Postgraduate Selects Exhibition. University of the Arts, London

  • April 2023: Permanent Exhibition. Glee Club Birmingham

  • September 2018: Permanent Exhibition. Glee Club Nottingham

  • May 2017: Permanent Exhibition. Glee Club Cardiff

  • May 2010: Cardiff University Photographic Exhibition

  • July 2003: Graduate Exhibition. UWCN Caerleon

  • July 1999: Cardiff Central Library. Solo Show